Building with Visual Studio 2019

This is a step by step instruction detailing a proven way to build Etaler with Visual Studio 2019.

Install dependencies

  • Install CMake
  • Install Git Bash
  • Using a Git Bash terminal, perform the following commands:
cd Etaler/3rdparty
git clone
git clone
  • Download the latest Intel TBB zip file.
  • Extract it into C:\Program Files\Intel\TBB
  • Update PATH to include C:\Program Files\Intel\TBB\bin\intel64\vc14
  • Setup TBBROOT environment variable to point to C:\Program Files\Intel\TBB

To compile the tests you need to:

  • Download standalone catch.hpp into the Etaler/tests directory.

If you intend to use Etaler with a GPU:

  • Install an OpenCL SDK appropriate for your GPU (e.g. NVidia CUDA SDK).
  • Download Khronos cl.hpp into Etaler/3rdparty/CL directory.


The CMake application is used to generate the project and solution files for MSVC.

Set the “Where is the source code:” text box to point to the root of your cloned Etaler repository. And set the “Where to build the binaries:” text box to point to a build subdirectory off of your Etaler repositories.

For example:

  • Source: C:/Github/Etaler
  • Binaries: C:/Github/Etaler/build

Press the Configure button and choose the “Visual Studio 16 2019” generator. Finally press the Generate button.

Visual Studio 2019 can then be used to load the Etaler/build/Project.sln solution file, and build the library, tests and examples.

By default the solution builds a dynamic linked Etaler library. Therefore, the Etaler/build/Etaler/Release (or Debug) directory needs to be in your PATH. Or the Configuration Properties -> Debugging -> Environment entry can use “PATH=%PATH%;C:/Github/Etaler/build/Etaler/Release”.